Monday, November 22, 2010

Way too much in one day

What a day. Started off by being told that Steve and I were to work in the pouring rain and horrible amounts of mud. It was cold and awful and just plain mean. So long story short our boss sent us home.
My anxiety was up as my boss has been a huge factor in my anxiety returning. I came home had a bath and just felt awful. I have been having diarrhea all weekend and my nerves were high on the pain in my right side. So off to the ER I went. I was full of anxiety. They did bloodwork, xrays and an ultrasound. Everything came back normal. So no answers. Rest and stay stress free until my endoscopy on Dec.8th is what I am to do.
Well, stress free.......that one appears to be impossible in my world. Upon coming home I received an email from my boss and he was giving my husband and I our two week notice. RIGHT BEFORE Christmas!!!! Who does that???? So know I am completely distraught on how we are suppose to make ends meet at all, let alone have a decent Christmas for the kids. Stress free....ugh. My anxiety and depression are in full throttle. I actual am craving ativan. :(

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