Saturday, January 19, 2008

Good Days and Bad Days

I have to learn that I will have both. Last night I wasnt feeling real well. My pulse rate was low and I had that horrible low buzz in my ears. Of course it makes me anxious.
I saw my therapist on thursday and she thinks that I am doing much better than when I last saw here in December. I really like going there but sometimes reliving the past isnt always a good thing.
I did 2 miles on the treadmill today!!! I was so proud of myself. I was tired and sweaty but it is so worth it. I know it helps with my anxiety.
Right now I am trying not to focus on my pulse rate as I know it is low again but I was ok last night so I will be fine tonight.
I am trying hard to keep up with the midfulness, but at times it gets really hard. I know it has changed my life and way of thinking though.
I swear Jon-Kabat Zinn is a genuis. If I could go to his stress reduction clinic or attend a meditation with him I would be in my glory!
The countdown to the wisdom teeth removal is on! Only three days to go! I will admit I am NOT looking forward to it at all!


Anonymous said...

Hi Alison
2 miles on the treadmill! thats pretty good! keep it up!
I get noises in my left ear, i have had it for years, but it's got worse this last year, it is quite worrying, especially when it wakes you up in the night, and it sometimes triggers of a P.A. with me! I did not know that it was a symptom of Anxiety until i went on the N.M.P. website which kind of reassured me!
Anyway keep up the good work Alison.

Take care

Rachel's Diary said...

I get the awful swishing noise at's ur blood rushing through your ear canal I have been told and is very normal! your doing well lass! good luck with the wisdom's!

Alison "in Wonderland" said...

Thanks Gary and Rachel!