Sunday, January 20, 2008

Weekend over already!

I swear whenever there is something I am NOT looking forward to the time flies!
The weekend has been ok. Last night and again this evening I am having the low pulse and ear noise. It drives me crazy!
I did another 2 miles on the treadmill even though I was tired and not really in the mood. I just want to start to feel better. Healthy and happy would be great! ut I will take whatever I can get.
So close to wisdom teeth day. I have to admit I am alittle scared and defintely not looking forward to it. I imagine my post tomorrow night will be full of anxiety!
It is also getting close to the time for us to move. I am excited and nervous. One step at a time, I try to keep reminding myself.
I have really gotten into my Jon Kabat Zinn books and CD's I truly believe it is what I am reading that is helping alot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah ringing in the ears is horrible, ive had wisdom teeth out before when i was younger, you will be ok Alison!
take care