Thursday, January 31, 2008

Trying to keep it under control

Well the move is on. We have been moving stuff to the new place and trying to set things up all week. It has been really hard because the kids really dont let usdo much without crying or needing our full attention. Between the move and Steve being back on nights and a snow storm coming tomorrow I am feeling alittle overwhelmed.
The baby didnt sleep hardly at all last night and is miserable so I am also tired and cranky. I cut my finger with a knife so I had to have a tetanus shot yesterday so now both my hand and my arm hurt! When I woke up everything hurt. My stomach, back, everything! That of course made me slightly anxious. Plus with the baby being miserable I am trying really hard to keep her quiet so Steve can sleep but its hard! Its not a quiet house with a 22 mnth and an 8 mnth old!
I am pretty proud of myself to be pulling through everything but still worried that it is going to become to overwhelming. The good thing is Steve works tonight but then is off for the weekend so only one more night with very little sleep and worrying about being alone.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that the snow storm tomorrow wont be as bad as they predict because it is going to make a heck of a mess to try and move in! And we have to truck reserved so we have no choice!!!!
Anyhow, thats my rambling for the day. I am sure there will be more later but hopefully I can keep things under control! Wish me luck!


Robert said...

I think that you've coped with our house move exceptionally well!

Good luck in your new home!

Anonymous said...

You seem to be coping really well Alison, despite what sounds like a really tough time for you at the moment!
I hope the horrible snow stays away and the move goes smoothly for you.

Take care