Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Slowly getting there

Well I have increased my meds, seen my doctor a few times and am slowly getting there. I had a scare last week with pain and bleeding and ended up spending the night in the ER. I found out my platelet levels were up which to me sent me into a frenzy, I started taking baby aspirin right away worried my blood was to thick. I had 4 doctors tell me that it is normal after surgery but I was just not hearing it.
I had blood work today to see if the number is down and I am praying that it is. There have been some tragedies lately that have made me wonder and question why I am living like I do. Someone close lost their 3 mnth old niece to SIDS. I cannot fathom the pain that family must be going through. Also there is a huge outbreak of the swine flu and a perfectly healthy 13 yr old boy died. I am terrified for my kids and wish I could keep my daughter home from school and keep us all locked up and safe from the germs!!!
The worst part is my husbands grandmother was diagnosed today with lung cancer. We saw her the weekend before thanksgiving and we questioned each other about her health and felt that something didnt seem right. My mother saw a picture of her and also said she didnt look well at all and looked like she had cancer. Sure enough the day of my surgery she was admitted to the hospital with fluid on her lungs and they found a spot on her lungs. It is in her lymph nodes and they said chemo just is not an option. So it looks like possible radiation which we dont know if she would really survive, and she goes back in two weeks to basically be given a "time line" We want to all get and stay healthy so we can go see her as much as possible as we know that this isnt a good thing.
So after all these things happening it makes me wonder why I focus my day to day on things I cannot control. If something is going to happen its going to happen. All I can do is live the best I can and enjoy my life and family day to day. I am wasting my life worrying about things beyond my control. Now if I could just believe and follow that, maybe I will get somewhere.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I can really relate to health anxiety. It seems to run my life.