Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The start of another new day

So far not so bad. Besides the fact we have yet another Winter storm happening. Schools cancelled again. Freezing rain, tons of snow and a touch of cabin fever going on.
I didnt wake up to anxious. I of course took my temperature which was fine and my blood pressure, which was fine but not low enough to keep me happy.
Steve is off today but has gone out to do some errands so its me and the three kids as usual.
I have started thinking so negatively lately. I sit here and think that this is going to be my life day in and day out with no change for atleast 4 years until one of the babies is in school. Same ole cleaning, changing diapers, cooking etc etc. I love my kids and wouldnt change them at all but the idea that this is it is scary. I need to find hobbies or something or I will go mad. Thank goodness for the computer atleast!
I desperately need to get back on the treadmill. It has been a week plus and I know its affecting me. With Steve working I havent been able to get to the new gym I joined at all yet. Not to mention the fact I am alittle anxious about going there for the first time to begin with. But I will get there and get back on track, I have too! For me and my family.
I have also looked into finding an "on call" type of babysitter. Basically if Steve is at work and I am having a rough go of it, someone I can call to bring the kids too for awhile until I can calm down or whatever. I really think that would ease my mind ALOT. Anyhow, since its so early in the day I will come back and update later this evening!


Anonymous said...

Keep fighting Alison! never give up! it's a good idea to get a hobby or an interest, something to fill your mind with good happy stuff! i know it's hard for you and the thermometer and BP checks are comfort and security to you, but a good idea would be to set yourself a target, try and not do the checks as much and log it all down on paper, it might work, give it a try.
All your doing is fuelling the Anxiety Demon, and we have to fight that Demon!

Take care

Robert said...

Hi Allison -

Having those little ones around all day is bound to be tiring. Especially when the weather keeps you indoors. I've been a single parent for the past few weeks (with 2 kids, 6 & 2) and I'm worn out! Fortunately Marie is back at the family home & life is getting back to normal.

When things are not going well, just remember that you've got friends in blogland who care about you.